
中外媒体记者走进浐灞:感受美丽浐灞 传播绿色智慧

中国网2017-11-20 16:46:46

  11月9日,“美丽浐灞 绿色智慧——2017 中外记者座谈会”在欧亚创意设计产业园孵化中心举行。西安市互联网信息办公室专职副主任袁永君、浐灞生态区管委会副主任成斌,人民日报海外版总编室副主任杨一枫、今日俄罗斯通讯社高级记者吕国栋、《俄罗斯与中国》杂志资深记者Maryna,中国国际广播电台的外籍记者等50余人,以及来自西安浐灞生态区的三家双创代表企业西安欧豪遮阳智能科技有限公司、陕西小米创客教育科技有限公司和西安正裕和软件科技有限公司参与了座谈会。

  【美丽中国·绿色浐灞专题 外眼看浐灞 显示图在稿件最下方】中外媒体记者走进浐灞:感受美丽浐灞 传播绿色智慧


  座谈会上,西安浐灞生态区管委会副主任成斌介绍称,西安浐灞生态区从曾经“垃圾遍地、沙坑遍布、荒草遍野”的生态环境“重灾区”到2011西安世界园艺博览会的举办地,再到如今的城市生态示范区和高端服务业聚集区。13年时间,黄土地上的西安人用“天人长安 创意自然”的智慧与定力,构建出丝绸之路东方起点的“生态外滩”。





  Domestic and Foreign Media Reporters Come to Chanba: Feel the Beautiful Chanba, Spread Green Wisdom

  November 9, China.org.cn (Xu Wenyan) - “Beautiful Chanba, Green Wisdom-2017 Foreign and Domestic Reporters Forum” was held in Incubation Center of Euroasia Creative Design Park.

  On the forum, Cheng Bin, deputy director of Xi'an Administrative Committee of Chanba Ecological District introduced that Xi'an Chanba Ecological District has turned from the “severely destruction areas” of ecological environment with “widespread garbage, sandpits and wild grass” to the holding place of 2011 Xi'an International Horticultural Expo, and now become the urban ecological demonstration area and gathering area of high-end service industry. Through 13 years, Xi'an citizens have constructed the “ecological bund” of the oriental starting point of the Silk Road with the wisdom and composure of “Harmonious Chang’an, creative nature”.

  Yuan Yongjun, the full-time deputy director of Xi'an Internet Information Office, expressed that through the green beauty of Chanba Ecological District, we can seen more beauty of Xi'an. He hoped the reporters could reflect the prosperity and vitality of Xi'an through articles and lens, so as to make more people see the profound history and future splendor of Xi’an and witness the accelerated development of Xi'an.

  On the forum, Yuan Yongjun, the full-time deputy director of Xi’an Internet Information Office, awarded the certificate of “international emissary of green publicity” to foreign reporters. Cheng Bin, the deputy director of Xi'an Administrative Committee of Chanba Ecological District gave the badges of “international emissary of green publicity” to foreign reporters.


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