

中国网2017-11-20 16:53:21

  11月9日,“美丽浐灞 绿色智慧——2017中外记者座谈会”在浐灞生态区欧亚创意设计产业园孵化中心举行。

  【美丽中国·绿色浐灞专题 美丽中国·绿色浐灞 显示图在稿件最下方】外籍记者点赞绿色浐灞:希望浐灞越变越美

  中国国际广播电台土耳其语部记者Sedat Aydin谈对浐灞今昔变化的感受

  中国国际广播电台土耳其语部记者Sedat Aydin表示,中国的“一带一路”倡议有个很中心的思想就是共享,相信未来随着“一带一路”倡议的推进,浐灞的生态治理经验也将通过“一带一路”介绍给更多的国家,土耳其也是“一带一路”上的重要一站,希望两国之间能够在生态领域等方面加强交流。浐灞以前是一个生态环境欠佳的地方,通过13年的努力取得今天焕新的面貌可以说是一个奇迹,如今浐灞环境优雅,能看的出来在这里生活的人幸福感很强,希望浐灞可以越变越美。

  【美丽中国·绿色浐灞专题 美丽中国·绿色浐灞 显示图在稿件最下方】外籍记者点赞绿色浐灞:希望浐灞越变越美

  中国国际广播电台德语部记者Johanna Wolff向记者讲述来到浐灞的所见所闻

  中国国际广播电台德语部记者Johanna Wolff说,作为“国际绿色宣传使者”,她会用照片的形式记录下在浐灞的所见所闻,这些照片要比文字更能体现出浐灞的美丽。浐灞的转变的惊人的,这会是一个很好的生态治理经验,对于生态环保方面很有传播意义。(许文妍)


  Foreign Reporters Give Thumbs up to Green Chanba: Hope Chanba Get Increasingly Beautiful

  November 9, China.org.cn (Xu Wenyan) - “Beautiful Chanba, Green Wisdom-2017 Foreign and Domestic Reporters Forum” was held in Incubation Center of Euroasia Creative Design Park in Chanba Ecological District.

  Sedat Adyin, reporter of Turkish Department of China Radio International expressed that the main central idea of “The Belt and Road Initiative” of China is sharing. It is believed that with the progress of “The Belt and Road Initiative” in the future, the ecological governance experience of Chanba will also be introduced to more countries through “The Belt and Road Initiative”; Turkey is also an important site of “The Belt and Road Initiative” and he hoped that the two countries can strengthen exchanges in the ecological field. Through the efforts of 13 years, Chanba has turned its poor ecological environment into a brand-new appearance with elegant environment, which is indeed a miracle. At present, it can be seen that people living here have a strong sense of happiness and he hopes Chanba can become more and more beautiful.

  Johanna Wolff, reporter of German Department of China Radio International said that as the “international emissary of green publicity”, she would record what she has seen and experienced in Chanba through photos, which can embody the beauty of Chanba more than the words. The startling changes of Chanba will be the great experience of ecological governance and is of the transmission significance in terms of ecology and environmental protection.

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