The Weinan Grape Industrial Park, a modern agricultural complex focusing on grape variety development, technology promotion and fruit-picking tourism, was established amid the effort of Linwei District to boost the development of its grape industry. Directed by a guideline aimed at combining modern agriculture, construction of ecological towns and gardens and leisure services, it has built a “four vertical and three horizontal" road network, intelligent greenhouses, a smart control center, a 20-hectare rain-shelter cultivation demonstration area, ecological tourism greenhouses, a 10-kilometer long grape gallery, Chateau Sanxian and European-style landscapes. Devoted to an integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, the industrial park has also built an exemplary project, the Xianxiang Ziyun Rural Culture and Tourism Complex, while keeping improving infrastructures and increasing grape-related elements. In summer, the 10-kilometer grape gallery and waterscapes will turn it into a wonderland of grape. The 30,000 ㎡ of row greenhouses can provide comprehensive tourism services and an ideal leisure resort in winter. It has been named the National Grape Industrial Technology Demonstration Base, the National Juvenile Science Education Demonstration Base, the National Leisure Agriculture and Rural Tourism Demonstration Site and the National AAAA Tourist Attraction.
Under the guidance of a concept aiming to integrate production, life and ecology as well as the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, the grape industrial park is striving to build itself into a scenic and ecological rural culture and tourism complex.
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